Day 10: Media and Information Sources (Lecture - Student Teacher)

Source: Tuico, 2017

The tenth day of class for the second semester for Media and Information Literacy '17-'18. Our student-teacher, Mr. Kim Tuico, discussed the Media and Information Sources.

Before starting the discussion, we were given three articles and was tasked to get some information out of it. Here is my work:

Article name
UAAP Cheerdance: Adamson dethrones NU Pep Squad
Paulo del Rosario
Date published
December 2, 2017
Adamson Coach Jeremy Lorenzo, Photo by Joaquin Flores
Score and Ranking

After the task, we discussed about the criteria for having a good source. After the discussion, the class had another activity which is to apply what we have learned on the articles. My work is shown below:

Selection Criteria
Questions to Ponder
What are the details of this piece of news? Which of these details can be verified in other sources? Could these details be true? Why or why not?
The details include the Adamson, having 663.5 points, in the first place. UST Dance Troupe in the second place. The UE Pep Squad in the third place. Other school rankings verified from other sources.
Which of these facts are measureable? How were they derived? Was the article written in an objective manner? Is the article written with care?
The measurable facts in the article are the scores. The article was written with the objective of sharing the news of the results of the competition.
Consider the audience of the article? Who would find this article valuable?
The audience will include the people who watches the cheer dances, schools that joined the competition, and more.
Who wrote the article? How is the author related to the article? What was his source? Are the sources properly cited? What is the reputation of the author? Is he known for some biases?
Paolo del Rosario is a CNN writer and expert in sport journalism. He is known to have reliable information.
When was the article written? Is it possible that some of the information has changed in time? If yes, would the change have any effect on the conclusion of the article?
The article was written on the same day of the results which makes it unlikely to be changed. Even if the information in article changed, the fact that Adamson won the first place will not be affected.

The discussion ended and our student-teacher gave an assignment. My work is shown below:
1. Identify the different information about Manila Science High School.

     Manila Science High School, the pilot science high school in the Philippines, is located on Taft Avenue at the corner of Padre Faura Street in Ermita, Manila. The high school was founded on October 1, 1963 by Augusto Alzona. The school offers Special Science Curriculum for Grades 7-12. They have the motto of “Science, Truth and Country” and a slogan: “Sustaining the Tradition of Excellence”. The high school’s current principal is Maria Eva S. Nacion.


2. What are the possible sources of this information?

     To gather this information, I searched for it using Google. It lead me to the use of Wikipedia, Facebook, and the school’s own website. Wikipedia has information about the history and basic information like the slogan, motto, address, and a few more. The Facebook page of the school did not have a lot of information. It might have some but it was only gotten from Wikipedia. In the school’s website, there is the general description of Manila Science High School and brief information. The source of this knowledge might come from an individual or a group from the school. They might have changed or created the description to make people quickly understand what the school is all about.


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