Day 15: Media and Information Languages (Laboratory)

The fifteenth day of class for the second semester for Media and Information Literacy '17-'18. Our teacher, Mr. Rodel Mansilla Opianadiscussed more about Language.

During the discussion, we tackled some questions. Those questions and my answers are shown below:

What is language?

Language is used as a medium for communication. 

How is media language being configured?

Media Language is configured depending on the author and targeted audience. 

Who are consumers and producers of media?

The producers are the providers and creators of the media while the consumers are the audience needed to be satisfied by the producer. 

We also discussed a scenario of a protest:

"A local government official was charged of graft and corruption and was suspended from his office. The government official announced that the charges were all fabricated and that he will not step down from his office. A large group of supporters are present to protest. hey barricaded the building where the official has once taken office. A struggle seems to start breaking out between the protesters and the police."

The teacher gave us another set of questions related to the scenario:

Predict how this event will be covered by television, radio, print, and internet.
Television – live view, interview
Radio – live report/broadcast, recorded opinion
Print – picture of protest/event
Internet – mixed
How are the presentations of facts may vary from medium to medium?
The presentation may vary if they have different perspectives, format styles, and focus.
How are the codes and conventions vary from medium to medium?
The codes may vary among these factors: language, picture, opinion, background knowledge
How much of these differences will be based on the unique characteristics of the medium?
The difference will depend on how these mediums want to produce it, their limitations, and objectives.

If you will be a reporter, are you going to use the conventional way of how each media will broadcast the given scenario?
Maybe. I could add additional ways to make the broadcast more interesting or give more information depending on the news content.

What will you do to make your report not boring?
I could add additional interesting information related to the topic.

Would you exaggerate some elements in your report to make it interesting? Why?
Depending on the news importance. If it is serious, then I will only tell the exact information of what's happening. If it is something for fun and recreation, I could exaggerate some parts to make viewers interested.

We were also tasked to make a design framework for the development of the group presentation about Conversational Systems.

Target Audience
People who wants to learn about Conversational Systems
Florenz Domingo
 To share information about Conversational Systems
Key Content
Conversational System History, Facts, and Future Possibilities
Info graphics/Animation

Here is my video about Conversational Systems:


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