Day 8: Information Literacy (Laboratory)


The eighth day of class for the second semester for Media and Information Literacy '17-'18. Our teacher, Mr. Rodel Mansilla Opiana, discussed Information Literacy.

We had a starting activity which is to give our opinion about Knowledge is Power. My answer is:

     Knowledge is a broad topic that could make changes in one's self, community, and the world. Knowing something and utilizing it, you are able to make changes. It is an important aspect of human life and it should be shared to make others aware of it.

The teacher discussed about it as something that contributes to gaining wealth and influence. He asked another question, "How does information become knowledge?". My answer is:

     Information is a data that is utilized to become knowledge. It must be validated and generalized to be used by anyone. 

After those, we discussed about the Ethical Use of Information. The discussion was about plagiarism, common knowledge, use of quotation, maintaining the definition, paraphrasing, and many more. We even discussed strategies to avoid plagiarism. 

The teacher asked another question related to the topic, Importance of Giving Credit. My answer is:

      Giving credit is important because the knowledge must be recognized and preserved. It is just fair to give credit to their rightful owners since without their help, the discovery might not even be known.

We were given a task to create a Plan for an Academic Trip (Domingo, 2017, with two possible destinations. Shown below are my plans:

     Assuming that there will be at least 40 students going on a trip...

Sample Data
Plan A
Plan B
Place / Location / Destination
Meeting Area: Manila Science HS
Location: Metro Manila
Meeting Area: Manila Science HS
Location: Metro Manila
Activity / Schedule

6 am – 7 am: Meeting Time
7 am – 8 am: Travel
8 am – 10 am: Museo Pambata
10 am – 11 am: Travel
11 am – 1 pm : Philippine Science Centrum
1 pm – 2 pm: Lunch
2 pm – 3 pm: Travel
3 pm – 5 pm: Yuchengco Museum
5 pm – 6 am: Travel back to School
6 am – 7 am: Meeting Time
7 am – 8 am: Travel
8 am – 10 am: Ateneo Art Gallery
10 am – 11 am: Travel
11 am – 1 pm : Armed Forces of the Philippines Museum
1 pm – 2 pm: Lunch
2 pm – 3 pm: Travel
3 pm – 5 pm: Jorge B. Vargas Museum and Filipiniana Research Center
5 pm – 6 am: Travel back to School
Best time to visit / Length of Vacation
6 am – 6 pm
6 am – 6 pm
Transportation (type, budget, schedule, others)
Type: Rental Bus – P 9000+

Schedule: All day rent

Others: Driver – P 800+
Type: Rental Mini Bus – P 5000+ (per vehicle)

Schedule: All day rent

Others: Driver – P 800+
Accommodation (type, budget, schedule, others)
Food (type, budget, schedule, others)
Type: Fast Food – P200+

Schedule: Lunch (11 am – 12 pm)

Others: Packed Lunch
Type: Fast Food – P200+

Schedule: Lunch (11 am – 12 pm)

Others: Packed Lunch
Things to bring / Reminders
Prepare Extra Money
Prepare Extra Money
Other information you may need

Budget for the Museum Passes: 100+ per person
Budget for the Museum Passes: 100+ per person
Total Budget
approximately P 14000+
approximately P 13000+
Academic Trip Plans (A & B) by Florenz Howard F. Domingo

Finally, we were given an assignment to write a hundred words essay about being an information literate individual. Here is my work: 

First of all, what is “information literacy”? From the previous discussions, information literacy is said to be the ability to recognize when an information is needed. It is also the ability to locate, evaluate, and communicate with information in its various formats. To be an information literate individual, he or she must be good in handling information literacy and related works. It is necessary for education as studying requires a variety of information. It is important for us to become information literate individuals because there is a huge amount of information that could be used in different fields of work.

The lesson was very informative. I learned a lot about using information and knowledge.


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