Day 6: The Evolution of Traditional to New Media (Internet of Things)


The sixth day of class for the second semester for Media and Information Literacy '17-'18. Our teacher, Mr. Rodel Mansilla Opiana, made us continue our work on the timeline and answer some questions about Internet of Things.

At first, I thought Internet of Things is all about gadgets connected to the internet but I was wrong. I lacked information and as I search and study about it, I realized what it is all about. The Question and Answers are listed down below:

In your own words, define Internet of Things.

     Internet of Things is the network of devices or gadgets which allows them to exchange information. It has many uses like remote-controlling which makes work more accurate and more efficient. 

What brought this theory about?

    It was discussed as early as 1982 when a modified Coke machine became the first internet-connected appliance. Since our technology is still improving, a thought-model for future interconnection environment is proposed. If all traditional fields of embedded systems, wireless sensor networkscontrol systemsautomation gets connected, the Internet of Things will be enabled.

Do you like the concept of IoT? Why or why not?

   IoT could be used for more accurate and more efficient work but I am worrying that if somethings gets an error, other connected devices could also get affected by it. Overall, I think IoT is a good concept.

In what situations do you encounter IoT in the Philippines?

     I encounter it mainly on the internet, where everything is considered connected with one another. Other situations like bluetooth is also an example of IoT.

How do you think IoT will evolve and affect the Filipino Society in the next 3 to 5 years?

     I think that IoT will be spread out to everyone who have devices. It could the society in a good way if people will use it in a good way but if it is abused, it will probably have a negative effect.

What do you think is the relationship of IoT in media and information literacy?

     As said earlier, IoT is the network or connection of gadgets or devices. Being connected means being able to exchange information. By exchanging information, new things will be learned making media and information literacy better. Knowing how to analyze, evaluate, and understand the data given allows the people know better.


After answering the questions, I discovered that Internet of Things, if improved, will be able to help a lot of people. It is a good and interesting concept but my worry is that it might take too long. I hope that it will be done and completed after some time.


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