
Showing posts from November, 2017

Day 9: Types of Media (Lecture)

Source: The ninth day of class for the second semester for  Media and Information Literacy '17-'18 . Our teacher,  Mr. Rodel Mansilla Opiana , discussed the Types of Media . We had a starting activity which is to put the identified pictures into the table with labels. The activity is shown below: Print Media Broadcast Media New Media Book Newspaper YouTube Newspaper Television Social Media Magazine Radio Smartphone Mimeograph Social Media Films Newsletter Films After that, we were asked to construct our own definition  of: a.) Print Media A type of media that uses paper and ink to share information b.) Broadcast Media A type of media that aims to spread information using airwaves c.) New Media A type of media that u

Day 8: Information Literacy (Laboratory)

Source: The eighth day of class for the second semester for  Media and Information Literacy '17-'18 . Our teacher,  Mr. Rodel Mansilla Opiana , discussed Information Literacy. We had a starting activity which is to give our opinion about Knowledge is Powe r . My answer is:      Knowledge is a broad topic that could make changes in one's self, community, and the world. Knowing something and utilizing it, you are able to make changes. It is an important aspect of human life and it should be shared to make others aware of it. The teacher discussed about it as something that contributes to gaining wealth and influence. He asked another question, " How does information become knowledge? ". My answer is:      Information is a data that is utilized to become knowledge. It must be validated and generalized to be used by anyone.  After those, we discussed about

Ika-7 Araw: Karunungan gumamit ng Impormasyon

     Source: The seventh day of class for the second semester for  Media and Information Literacy '17-'18 . Our teacher,  Mr. Rodel Mansilla Opiana , discussed Information Literacy. We had an activity about the Most Influential Person in Your Life . It discussed about who, what, when, where, why, and how that person affected our lives. My work is seen below: Who? (Who is this person?)   Richerly Domingo, a respectable man and father. What? (What aspects did he influence?)   My way of thinking, moral and values, use of logic, and actions got influenced by what I can see from him. When? (When did I realize his influence?)  When I saw myself having his way of thinking and attitude. Where? (Where did his influence take place?) His influence took place every time ever since I was born. Why? (Why did he influence me?) He developed my attitude to be a better man. How? (How did

Day 6: The Evolution of Traditional to New Media (Internet of Things)

      Source: The sixth day of class for the second semester for  Media and Information Literacy '17-'18 . Our teacher,  Mr. Rodel Mansilla Opiana , made us continue our work on the timeline and answer some questions about Internet of Things. At first, I thought Internet of Things is all about gadgets connected to the internet but I was wrong. I lacked information and as I search and study about it, I realized what it is all about. The Question and Answers are listed down below: In your own words, define Internet of Things.      Internet of Things is the network of devices or gadgets which allows them to exchange information. It has many uses like remote-controlling which makes work more accurate and more efficient.  What brought this theory about?     It was discussed as early as 1982 when a modified Coke machine became the first internet-connected appliance.